Hi, My name is Jo and I am the founder of "I Care". The reason I started this company is because, I do, I care, as my friends and family would say, sometimes I care "too much".

I don't think that's possible, if you can help others and make their lives easier, happier, more independent or less lonely, then why not. The rewarding feeling you receive back from doing something good is euphoric.

I have worked in all areas of care and companionship for over 35 years. I started looking after children in my early teens, which then led into nannying and adult care work in my late teens, until I married and started my own family. I was lucky enough to be a stay at home mum, but still tried to keep my hand in care work part-time, volunteering in the UK and abroad, including working on a Tsunami camp in Sri Lanka for a month, just after the horrific boxing day Tsunami of 2004.  I then worked voluntary for a domestic violence charity and as a voluntary care assistant and breastfeeding practitioner on a maternity ward. This opened my eyes even more to violence towards domestic partners and children and I wanted to do  more, which led me to volunteer to work in an orphanage in South Africa, which was one of the best experiences of my life.

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